Social Media Posts

Social Media Posts on LinkedIn or Facebook

CTA posts for engagement: reactions, likes, and comments. Also addresses pain points and shows the value the company offers. Meme, infographic, and educational carousel. 


Are you applying for entry-level Digital Marketing positions needing years of experience, or extremely specific skills you don't have?

No, a Master's Degree or years of experience is most likely NOT needed. If you have solid entry-level Digital Marketing skills, just send in your application with confidence. 

If you're a little short on Digital Marketing experience, though, we're happy to help.  Jobprepped gives you those in-demand skills, plus work experience, and the confidence employers want! 

You'll be READY TO HIRE! 

(And we give you resume and interview tips to complete the package.) 

Our affordable training program (under $1,000!) gets you hired faster. No need to pay more. We'll train you on the in-demand Digital Marketing basics you will need to show off in a portfolio. 

THIS HELPS A TON!  It sets you apart from other applicants. 

Do you have examples of those crazy ENTRY LEVEL job "requirements" you've seen in job listings? We'd love to see what employers are asking for. Share in the comments below!

#interviewtips #resumetips #digitalmarketingskills #entryleveldigitalmarketing #remotework #digitalnomad #careerchange 

(176 words, 1,154  characters)

Memes in imgflip and clipchamp & trimmed with ezgif

Infographic & Educational Carousel

Social Media LinkedIn Post with educational focus with CTA to look at the course. 

Switching careers to Digital Marketing? Exciting! But how do you show work experience in a job application if you've never worked in a Digital Marketing role before

Do you have any examples to show your interviewer? 

Online training certifications that you invest your time and money in should cover these four basic areas of Digital Marketing: Social Media, Email, PPC and SEO. However, how many of these courses provide opportunities to show your work experience to others? 

Many entry-level applicants don't go into an interview with examples of their work.

Is just taking a couple of courses enough? 

No! It's much better to have actual work experience and portfolio examples to share with a future employer.  

They want to see what you can do for them.  

Get specific work experience.  This can be hard to get for career changers. However, it can be found as exercises done in some courses, and/or in projects you do for friends, business acquaintances or non-profits. 

But is it enough? 

Do better in interviews.  With examples of your understanding and your work to show, you also will feel confident in the interview. 

Show value to your interviewer. Prove you can provide value and results, can execute a project well, and show a Return on Investment (ROI). 

Be hire-able! 

Why JobPrepped?  An experienced Fortune 500 Digital Marketing hiring manager assigns you real-life tasks to complete. You'll get actual experience, adding valuable real-work examples for your portfolio. 

Be ready for your next interview with some accomplishments to show your new employer. 

Check out the JobPrepped course here (link) to prepare for your next career move! 

#interviewtips #resumetips #digitalmarketingskills #digitalmarketingportfolio #entryleveldigitalmarketing #remotework #digitalnomad #careerchange 

(277 words, 1,767 characters)

(LinkedIn post limit is 3,000 characters as of June 2021.) 

Reading time 59 seconds. 

Infographic and Educational Carousel designed in Canva