Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Results for SEO-Optimized Content Three Months After Indexing on Google Console
ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSION: This blog achieves several 1st place and 2nd place SERP positions and a variety of Google Snippets for a few keywords, ranking higher than high-authority, national competitor domain names. This would be a successful long-form blog structure and format in a company's SEO strategy, using longtail keywords to achieve high-ranking placement and generate leads and conversions.
UPDATE: In September 2023, Google launches the Beta version of AI. Google AI response to query "digital marketing careers for people over 50" returned this blog in the number 3 postion in the AI section.
In addition to generating first place "Snippets", this blog appears next to "People Also Ask" section and above live "Jobs" section as the Number 1 blog on this subject. Appears in position 1 organically below sponsored ads for high-domain-ranking websites.
Google continues to machine-learn and optimize different sections of the blog. The longtail keyword phrase that dominates within queries is "digital marketing after 50".
As an additional note, this blog was written without the use of any Artificial Intelligence (AI), and was a suggested SEO exercise segment in the JobPrepped bootcamp. I then took the exercise to the next level to place on my personal portfolio website to try to rank on Google.
Proof that Google takes their time (approximately 90 days) showing content in search engines! This blog was indexed mid April 2023 on Google Console. Results began to appear in search queries in early July 2023.
Click here to see the blog: Changing Careers after 50. Everything you need to know to prepare for a new career in Digital Marketing.
High-ranking queries containing longtail keywords found:
"can you change your career to digital marketing after 50"
"how to make a career change to digital marketing after 50"
"career change at 50 to digital marketing"
"can you change careers to digital marketing after 50?"
"can you change your career to digital marketing after 50?"
"can you switch careers to digital marketing after 50?"
"transferable skills for a digital marketing career after 50"
"digital marketing transferable skills after 50"
"work life balance in a digital marketing career at 50"
"should I change my career to digital marketing after 50"
etc... Google continues to machine-learn and serve various parts of the blog as appropriate snippets
METHOD: This blog page was connected with Google Console. An analysis through SEMrush fixed page errors. Then, a request to Google Console to index the page was submitted, which then allowed the page to be indexed and crawled by Google. After three months, this long-form blog with optimized keyword research and SEO optimized content was awarded its first "snippet" by Google and the blog placed at the top of the SERP for a couple of keywords. This began to increase and improve due to Google machine learning after three months. Google picks different snippets to match the different contexts of the queries.
This "longform" blog with over 4,000 words was carefully crafted, researched, run through verious free tools, and used SEMrush to perfectly optimize the key words within the blog. Google considers original content, experience, authority, expertise and trust for the sources of information. E.E.A.T. - Experience, Expertise, Authority and Trust. Google also looks for keyword stuffing and plagarizm and will penalize ranking accordingly. Original content is the goal. As a result, this blog features ahead of famous, high domain-ranking national companies.
Content marketing SEO-optimized articles can effectively put companies at the top of the SERP for their industry, ahead of the stiff competition, AND have various featured "authoritative answer" snippets assigned by Google.
Note that if hosted by a live higher-authority website, a real commercial business for example, this blog would perhaps be able to appear for more difficult key words related to this subject. For example: many uses of various forms of changing careers without mention of "after or at 50" or "to digital marketing" are more common, and therefore difficult wider-subject high-value keywords, and therefore harder to compete for.
Sample of screen prints of the various searches and their SERP results, Google Snippets, and ranking. July 7 through July 22, 2023 once this blog became live.
Other query/longtail keyword combinations that this SEO-optimized longform blog ranked for, sometimes with different selections of snippets from within the blog assigned by Google (14 examples over time).
1. Keyword: "Career Change at (also after) 50 to digital marketing"
Despite no domain ranking for this portfolio website, this blog still can achieve snippet status for searches for "career change to digital marketing at (also after) 50"
This blog snippet beat dominant website blogs writing about this similar subject for many of the career and training site blogs such as: Quora, Indeed, LinkedIn, Coursera and other career course and career job listing site blogs.
2. Keyword: Can you "change careers to digital marketing after 50".
Keywords can be contained within query phrases or questions. Position 2, organically ahead of stiff competition and high-ranking domain names.
A long-form (3,000+ words) SEO-optimized blog is favored by Google if it contains relevant keywords, valuable links to authoritative information on high-ranking sites, and to subject-related blogs and facts. It also has relevant and original graphics and images to break up the text.
3. Keyword: "can you switch careers to digital marketing after 50?" Appearing as the first blog directly below the "People also ask" section, and above the live "Jobs" section. appearing above Indeed.
4. Keywords combined: "transferable skills" for a "digital marketing career after 50". Google references other parts of the blog and chooses different subtext. Position 1.
Ranks organically above Quora, LinkedIn, Digital Marketing Institute, Hubspot, Indeed and Social Media Explorer for this particular key word.
5. Keywords combined: "digital marketing transferable skills after 50". Position 1 organically. This time, Google has selected a different part of the blog for the subtext.
Three high-ranking domain businesses are ahead in sponsored ads are paying for top SERP position for this keyword.
6. Keywords combined: "work life balance" in a "digital marketing career at 50". Google obviously selects different subtext for this keyword. Ranks number 5 with high-ranking websites.
7. Keyword: should I "change my career to digital marketing after 50"? First position snippet.
8. Keywords combined: Can I "learn the skills to change careers to digital marketing after 50". Another first position snippet. Google served two different snippet answers here on two different search occasions.
9. Keyword: Do I have the "skills to change careers to digital marketing after 50". Position 2 after Indeed.
10. Keyword: "digital marketing career opportunities for people over 50" Position 1 above Monster career job listings.
11. Keyword: Is it too late to "switch careers to digital marketing after 50?" Position 1 with Google Snippet.
Google machine-learns for CONTEXT and serves high-ranking position for snippets taking the RELEVANCE of content into account, and also ranking for E.E.A.T: Experience, Expertise, Authority and Trust.
It's interesting to bear in mind that this blog is very specific, is on a low ranking portfolio domain, ranks high for these keywords, and yet has NO BACKLINKS at all!
12. Keyword: Can I learn "digital marketing skills over 50?" Position 1 and snippet, with a sponsored ad for the JobPrepped bootcamp I attended
13. Keyword in context, Google search engine continues to learn. "Can I get into digital marketing if I'm over 50?"
14. Keyword: Position 1, and snippet for "change careers to digital marketing after 50". Google selects a different snippet on the blog, using machine learning and trying to optimize clicks for the page. 8/7/2023.
Google AI early Beta results for searches care about relevant and helpful content.
15. (Beta) Google AI Query: Position 3, and Google AI choice for:
"digital marketing careers for people over 50".
16. (Beta) Google AI Query: Position 1, and Google AI choice for:
"changing careers to digital marketing after 50".