Email Marketing
3-Email Campaign Using MailChimp
This email campaign is for those that just went to the JobPrepped website and signed up on an email submission form to receive the JobPrepped Syllabus.
Focus on the CONVERSION part of the marketing funnel.
The email campaign focus is on getting recipients to follow through on their request: first download the syllabus, and then purchase the course, encouraged by three emails they get right after requesting the syllabus. This 3-email campaign is to engage hot leads.
Invitation to get started. "Download the syllabus you requested. Act Now."
Affordability details "The price is right and here's why."
Testimonial from a student "Here's why it's a great program. It will help you too."
Customer Journey - MailChimp
Encourage email subscribers to download syllabus

Methodology and Optimized Email Frequency:
All emails are sent immediately, without delay, when visitors have provided email addresses and sent requests for the syllabus.
Opens and clicks are both tagged after they occur, to track all opens and all click-throughs throughout the campaign. This tracks a) did not open anything b) opened but did not click anything and finally, c) opened and then clicked through to the purchase page.
No one gets repeat emails except those who don't open at all, or open/no click, who receive one last repeat "Email 1 download syllabus" email. This last email is after a delay of three weeks, a repeat download reminder to click through to the website.
Those who sign up get the testimonial email as positive reinforcement after signing up.
A total of 21 emails are set on the journey, depending upon if/else conditions. (The full map is on Mailchimp. This abbreviated draft map is a better size for illustration on this page. )
Optimization opportunity: Sample of campaign emails in the inbox. It would be a best practice to try emails in A/B tests with different subject lines and preview text.

Download Syllabus
Email 1
Email 1

Email 2
Email 2

Email 3
Email 3